Thank you for considering submitting your work to The X. We cover all aspects of the publishing process, including editorial support, graphic design and the marketing of the books we accept.

Open Submissions season is October 1st-November 30th. At that time, we will accept general submissions of all fiction genres, with a special emphasis on Paranormal and Steampunk, from established or unpublished authors. We will consider previously released manuscripts on a case-by-case basis.

Our Criteria

  • Between 50,000 and 120,000 words. For print eligibility, minimum 50,000 words
  • Longer submissions will be considered on special-case basis
  • The X does not publish erotica, gratuitous gore, Satanic themes, nor manuscripts promoting child abuse, drug abuse, illegal activities, or self-harm.

Submission Procedures:

Please follow these instructions exactly. Failure to do so will result in automatic rejection.

Include in your submission material:

  • “(TITLE OF WORK) by (author)” in Subject line of email.
  • Email a one-page query letter, including:
  • Name, address, and contact information
    • A short blurb explaining the premise of your book
    • Length of the book, genre, target market, and comparable authors
    • Author’s credentials and/or writing experience
  • A synopsis of the manuscript, including:
    • A one-page cover letter, with the following information marked with clearly defined headings. This should include:
      • Author
      • Address
      • Phone Number
      • Email Address
      • Working Title (and series title if applicable)
      • Genre
      • Blurb
    • A chapter-by-chapter synopsis of your book. You may use either the narrative or outline styles. However, do not exceed three pages in length. Clearly state your story arc and character development, as well as demonstrate a sound understanding of your manuscript’s structure.
  • The first 10,000 words or first three chapters of your book.



  • Every page of the manuscript, chapter submission, and synopsis must include a header with the following information:
    • BOOK TITLE justified left
    • Author’s first initial and full last name justified right
  • Every page of the manuscript, chapter submission, and synopsis must include a footer with a centered page number.
  • One-inch (1″) margins all around
  • Use only .doc or .docx formats. No other formats will be accepted.
  • All manuscripts and chapter submissions must be double-spaced.
  • Indent the first line of each paragraph by .5 inches.
  • Begin chapters on new page.
  • Use Calibri 12 pt font.
  • Do not manipulate the font or formatting, other than italics for emphasis.
  • Query letter may be included in the text of submission email.
  • Create two separate files. Label them as follows:
    • TITLE_writer’s last Name_synopsis
    • TITLE_writer’s last Name_chapters
  • Attach both files to the email containing the query letter; send to
  • Expect a reply between six to eight weeks after your submission.
  • If we are interested in your work, we will request a full manuscript for review.

For a detailed video on how to format your submission, visit our YouTube video.


  • Xchyler Publishing will not accept full manuscripts as initial submissions.
  • Failure to comply with the above instructions will result in a rejection letter.
  • Our acquisitions committee reviews all submissions. This includes members from our editorial and marketing departments.
  • After we have requested and reviewed your manuscript, we will do one of the following:
    • Offer a contract
    • Reject the manuscript
    • Invite the author to revise and resubmit
  • Unfortunately, we lack the resources to provide rejected authors with lengthy explanations or pointers on how to improve their work. Please know the acquisition committee judges the following criteria:
    • Marketability
    • Originality of material
    • Grammatical skills
    • Technical skills
    • Story structure
    • Character development
    • Vocabulary
    • Inappropriate content (including pervasive profanity)
    • Author/publisher synergy
    • Demonstrated ability to follow instructions

For more information, writing helps, and tips on house to polish your manuscript before submission, visit our blog here.

Special Submissions:

Special submissions (for announced Anthologies*, etc.) should include:

  • Query Letter (include information as above)
  • Synopsis, including:
    • A one-page cover letter, with the following information marked with clearly defined headings. This should include:
      • Author
      • Address
      • Phone Number
      • Email Address
      • Working Title
      • Genre
      • Blurb
    • A brief synopsis of your short story. You may use either the narrative or outline styles. However, do not exceed two pages in length. Clearly state your story arc and character development, as well as demonstrate a sound understanding of your manuscript’s structure.
  • Word length requirements will be posted per individual project.


*All anthology authors receive royalties

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