Editor’s Notes: Put Up Your Dukes

BY MCKENNA GARDNER Writing Conflict The best conflict in literature stems from genuine human desire and motivation. When you have two primary characters, presumably the hero and the villain, or the hero and the heroine, with opposing outlooks on life, an inevitable...

Inside Marketing: Social Media

BY VEENA KASHYAP Happy New Year! I hope you had a fabulous holiday season. Now that you’ve had some downtime, let’s get back to business, shall we? Last fall, I kicked off a series of posts focusing on the building of an author platform. As you may recall, my...

Inside Marketing: One Is The Loneliest Number

BY DIANE JORTNER Writing is a Lonely Business. But does it have to be? The one complaint I hear from writers is that it is such a solitary career. Often novice and established writers complain that even family members don’t get excited about what they are doing or the...

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